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The number of mobile Internet users reaches 4 billion
A recent Statista report highlights the fact that the number of active Internet users has grown to an impressive 4.4 billion, representing over 57% from the world's population. The number of mobile Internet users has reached 3.98 billion.
Broadband usage in U.S. homes averages 190 GB per month
People consume over 1.5 GB of Internet data each day, according to a new report from iGR, which provides insight and analysis for the changing 5G wireless world. Almost 95% of the traffic consists of video, according to the market strategy consultant.
Artificial Intelligence is the next big trend in marketing
This is one of the key findings in the "Future of Marketing and AI Survey" report from BrightEdge, which surveyed over 500 people to determine if brands make use of artificial intelligence to deliver a personalized customer experience.
Over 75% of security breaches involve privileged passwords
Security researchers from Data Alliance state that employees who are unable to identify common cyber threats are the main cause of the problem. Multi-factor authentication and proper access management are the key security mechanisms that must be implemented to reduce security risks.
The number of social media users exceeds 3 billion
A recent Global Digital suite of reports from We Are Social and Hootsuite show that the number of social media users has reached 3.2 billion, up 13 percent year-on-year. Global social network penetration rate has exceeded 42% this year.
YouTubers upload over 400 hours of content each minute
According to EverySecond.io, people view about 2.7 million YouTube videos per minute. Music videos rank #1 with over 600,000 views; gaming videos reach an impressive 300,000 views per minute and the 3rd spot is taken by comedy videos.